Thursday, July 23, 2009

Industrial Visit by UMP Supervisor

Date23 Jul 2009, 03:16:07 PM
FromSITI ZUBAIDAH BINTI SULAIMAN Pensyarah Universiti,Fakulti Kejuruteraan Kimia & Sumber Asli
To[BKB], [BKC], [BKG]
SubjectIndustrial visit by University Supervisor

Salam & Good day,

Attention to all student: undergo industrial training on Jun-October 2009

FYI, the industrial visit by University Supervisor will be held on 24th August to 29th August 2009. During that period you will be evaluated based onperformance, log book, report, presentation (degree only),. Click here for the criteria that need to be evaluated.

1) Performance:

In performance wise, you will be evaluated by your industrial and university supervisor.


Please prepare a short (10-15 minutes) slide presentation.


The report should cover 10 weeks of activities for those who start the training on 15 Jun 2009 or 12 weeks of activities for those who start on 1 Jun 2009. The report should not exceed 100 pages (inclusive 10 pages for appendices). Click here for content and format of the report.

The hardcopy and soft copy must be submitted to your university supervisor during the visiting period.

4)Log Book

Please ensure that, the log book has been filled up with daily activities and check and sign by industrial supervisor. The log book should be submitted to the faculty one week after finish the industrial training.

Any inquiries do not hesitate to contact me via memo or email. Thank You.

Siti Zubaidah Binti Sulaiman Pensyarah,FKKSA Ext;2413
This is a computer generated document and no signature is required.
khai. M

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